You cannot fully live out your life unless you can fully live out who you are, who God made you to be. This means you have to do a pretty in depth self-evaluation. Andrew used to tell me that all of the time, and until recently I had I not done it. I was in crisis “WHO AM I AND WHAT AM I DOING” mode all of the time. But about 3 weeks ago I sat myself down, dialed God and we had a great, really revealing conversation about ME.
There are a few things I had to come to terms with:
Number one- I’m emotional. I just am. It is not something that I particularly love about myself because I cannot hide my emotions either, they are written all over my face. But it is who I am, and knowing that now, and accepting that fact, I am able to manage my emotions better.
Number two- I am “spacey”. I do not really know how to define spacey but I’ll give you an example. A week ago Andrew and I were at Barnes and Noble reading some magazines and just chilling out for a few. I had a magazine through page 93 before I realized it was in Italian. Partly because another attribute about me is that I learn better with pictures, so I tend to “read” magazines like a picture book. But none the less, I do not pay attention to my surroundings really well. But Now that I know that I can better tackle the day and make myself be more in tune with what is around me.
Number three- I am a dreamer. And don’t get me wrong, it is not a bad thing to be a dreamer, but I tend to let my dreams transport me other places in my mind, and I try to play out the scenarios of my life in my “dream land”. This can be paralyzing because if in my mind, I have a fairytale coming up, and then average life is still here, I get disappointed and tend to place blame where blame need not be. But knowing this now has been amazing because now, I can stop myself before I get too far in dream land.
There are so many more things that God has showed me during my self-evaluation, but I am not going to share those in my blog post today. But, by looking at my life, and the attributes that God has given to me, and realizing my strengths and weaknesses, I have been a MUCH happier me this month.
I challenge you to do the same!!