Do you ever have a period of life where everything seems so dull and dry?? If not, I think you may be lying to yourself, OR if you aren't then please tell me your secret. Life has seemed so blah for me for the past 3 weeks. A lot of my relationships seem to be at a stand point ( or like I always say, your relationships are like a current, it's always moving, its either going up current or down). I have no PASSION for any one thing besides the things in life that HAVE to stay put right now, and I struggle to keep "life" in me. The thing is I think I need an adventure. I have been stuck in my hometown for too long. Scratch that, I have been stuck in the United States for too long now. I am 22 years old, I need to get out and SEE THE WORLD THAT GOD HAS MADE!!! And yet, I am stuck. I have one more semester of school to go, them comes the next expected step in life... a job. Not that having a "real" job is a bad thing, because parts of me are so pumped for it, but with a real job comes REAL limitations. And that scares me.
Today I found myself sitting in one of my classes looking up plane tickets. I just want to GO. I want to duplicate the trip I took last February to Balboa Island and hang out with Andrews aunt and uncle. I want to pick up and go see my family in Mexico. I want to go have a cabin of Young Life girls in Ireland and Wales again. I want to go some where NEW like Australia, Rome, Africa, Chile, Germany, France, Poland, Alaska, ANYWHERE really... I just feel like I need to explore new people, new cultures, new ground and discover and uncover something new and different out there that God has created.
So, I feel dry. I feel dull. I feel blah.... and it is wearing me out!! Any suggestions anyone?? Besides the fact that Nicole and I need to fill out our "Amazing Race" application. I'm in need of a good adventure.
Amazing Race. I was just thinking about that. We are DOING IT...