How many times have you been in a place where the homeless are scattered about pan handling or asking for food or drink? Countless I bet.
And how many times have you reached in your wallet or purse and seen that there is only a $10 bill and given it to the person because your heart ached for what they were going through? OR how many times have you packed yourself a lunch and seen a homeless man or woman asking for food and given it to them because you know you can afford to go to chick-fil-a for the day and buy your lunch? Not many I bet.
Why is that?? Why do we avoid the eyes of the needy when God tells us to love them and help them out in anyway we can??
In ancient Israel hospitality was almost mandatory. If a person came to your door, you were to let them in, prepare them a meal and give them a place to sleep even if you did not know them. It was a dangerous world full of people who would rob you or kill you ( much like today...). Or what about the story of the good samaritan? In Luke 10:33-35 it states..."But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. 'Look after him,' he said, 'and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.'"
Check out that last part... LOOK AFTER HIM, AND WHEN I RETURN, I WILL REIMBURSE YOU FOR ANY EXTRA EXPENSE YOU MAY HAVE. What is that?? Who is that man?? He did not even know this man but he TOOK PITY, BANDAGED HIS WOUDS, GAVE UP HIS DONKEY FOR THE MAN, AND PAID FOR A ROOM AT AN INN!! How many of us would do that??
I have a special place in my heart for the homeless and whenever I give up some food, bring an extra coffee with me to school to give out, or write them a note telling them that I will be praying for them today, these men and women show such great appreciation. And I know many of you may think "But if I give them money they will use it on drugs or beer" and you may be right, but have faith that God will use HIS money for HIS good. And if giving money is not your thing, then buy an extra egg mcmuffin and a coffee and give it to the man you pass everyday.
PEOPLE JUST NEED LOVE, how will you show it today??
Oh, I LOVE YOU and YOUR Heart! Have you started The Invisible Yet? That woman is a girl after your own heart.
ReplyDeleteYes, I did start reading it, im 1/2 way through and i LOVE it!!! Very inspiring and amazing!!