Monday, October 25, 2010

In the making...

      Well, a lot has been going on this past week, nothing really noteworthy, but there is something from this week that has come about that I am beyond stoked about. It is the Hope Youth Group HOMELESS project that I have the great pleasure of heading up!!
      I will kick off the announcement about our project Next Monday in Hope for the Week, but I am too excited not to write about it now. We are headed off to Monroe Park on November 20th to feed and clothe the homeless of downtown Richmond. I have decided on Chicken Noodle soup, Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches and coffee...I know not the BEST mix of foods, BUT I think we need to start off with a variety and see what works best. And plus since it is the first time doing this we need to see how people will react.        
      I am stoked on feeding the men and women of Richmond, but more stoked on clothing them for the winter. I am going to ask all of Hope to go through their old winter clothes and donate them to our project instead of directly to Goodwill. We will be handing out clothes and blankets to keep the men and women warm during the harsh winter so they have a better chance of survival. And with all of the left over clothes we may have, we will donate to a shelter or another amazing cause.
     Something else that gets me so pumped about this project is the Youth involvement. We have a few girls who are going to capture the day with their awesome photography skills and we are putting everyones strong points up to good use. And the fact that Hope will be marching out of the Suburbs to be a part of this project is even more exciting.
     I am hoping and praying that God will use this experience to open up our hearts and minds to GRACE. SOOO many people think that helping the homeless is hopeless because they will only use us or take our money and use it on drugs and alcohol,  and they may be right. But grace is about giving UNDESERVING love and compassion, and that is what I hope to accomplish with this project.
    So please help us to make this project the best it can be. If you want more information on how to help or be a part of this comment on this blog and I will get back to you!!!

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