I am about to share with you one of the most common internal battles I have, where do my priorities lie when it comes to school. First of all, I know that school is a necessary evil. It is something that I have to do, in order to succeed in my generation, but it does not mean that I have to like it, because I don't. I never have. So this creates a lot of turmoil within myself. Case in point this morning. It was raining, I woke up, felt tired, so I went back to sleep and skipped my first class. In my mind, me getting sleep and being well rested ranks higher than my social work class. Good or bad, that is just the way it is. And for 4.5 years that has been my struggle, to go, or not to go to class.
I find myself in this little pickle quite frequently. It tends to get worse as the weather gets warmer. The beach with friends is much more appealing than sitting in a class I could care less about. So I tend to lean towards the beach 9 out of 10 times. And when someone wants to catch up and can only do it during my 11 o'clock class, 10 out of 10 times ( unless I have a test ) I will go. I believe that enriching relationships is much more important and valuable than going to class to sit there confused and surf the internet. And that may seem like a cop out answer but it really is the truth. I can think of 100's of more important things I could be doing.
I just wanted to let you know that this really is an issue for me. It gets harder too when you throw in the fact that I have never excelled at school. I have never been able to test well, and I write how I talk, so papers are a struggle and reading "scholarly material" is like pulling my own teeth. But as the saying goes " 2.0 and GO" or "2.5 and stay alive"... so, I need to do a little soul searching and get on the ball.
Here is the other kicker. I TRULY believe with my whole heart that college is a waste of time. My senior seminar professor even told us that it is pointless unless you want to get a masters in something specific, which I don't, so I struggle daily to get to class and do my work. And it kills me that I know that I have to get through this next year, and it killed me even MORE when I found out I can't graduate this December, because BELIEVE ME... I was already checking out, and now I have to check back in for a little while longer.
All of this to say : If you are struggling in this area as well, Lets hold on together. Because when all of this is over, I am sure we will be happy that we suck with it. But remember it doesn't mean that you have to like it, we just gotta do it friend.
I hear you boys...
did you mean to say, 'we'll be glad we suck with it..." because THAT is a funny typo girl!! HAHAHAHA